Gov. Robert McDonnell appointed four new members to the George Mason University Board of Visitors in July to serve for the next four years. In addition, Mark F. McGettrick, an executive vice president and chief financial officer of Dominion Resources, was reappointed after having served a one-year term in 2010.

Karen Alcalde
Occupation: Provides legal consulting in Arlington
Education: BIS, JD George Mason University
Past Accomplishments:
•Marketing manager for Savin Corp.
•Sales and marketing analyst for Can Corporation of America

B.G. “Buddy” Beck
Occupation: Member of board of directors for L-1 Identity Solutions
Education: BS Arkansas State University, MS University of Southern California
Past Accomplishments:
•Served on National Security Council staff during Ford and Carter administrations

Reginald J. Brown
Occupation: Vice chair of Public Policy and Strategy Practice Group; member of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Working Group
Education: JD Harvard Law School, BA Yale University
Past Accomplishments:
•Special assistant to president and associate White House counsel from 2003-2005

Kimberly O. Dennis
Occupation: President and CEO of Searle Freedom Trust
Education: BA from Bowdoin College, completed graduate course work University of Vermont
Past Accomplishments:
•Director of National Research Initiative (2002-2006)