We have all felt that panic before, as you and some vicious stranger speed walk towards the same table on the third floor of the Johnson Center. Well, it could be anywhere on our sprawling campus, from the engineering building to Fenwick Library, but the hunt is the same. Your heart rate quickens and your legs tighten up as your order your friends to march forth, only to be sorely disappointed half the time.

Study space is a highly coveted commodity on campus, and though we’re all aware of the popular places like the Johnson Center, Fenwick, or even Starbucks, there are many untouched areas on campus that offer a serene quiet that facilitates some fierce study sessions.

Have you ever heard of The Ridge? If you are a commuter, probably not, and even if you live on campus, it is probably still a no. Unless you are involved with the Office of Housing & Residential Life, this hidden gem is still a mystery to you. Situated between Blue Ridge and Sand Bridge Hall (dormitories down from Southside), it is a 24/7 student study space filled with sofas, tables, and white boards. It opened up just a week ago, and is likely to become a go-to destination for the studious among us.

Another great study spot is in intimidating territory. The School of Physics, Astronomy, and Computational Sciences (SPACS) is housed in the third floor of Planetary Hall (formerly known as Science & Tech I). Included on this floor is a SPACS lounge, which, for most of the day, is a completely desolate place. It features a white board, a few couches, and a table/chairs. It’s a great place to study in between classes and also lends itself to group sessions.

And, of course, how can we forget the coveted study rooms on campus?

In all their glory, they feature the number one thing that everyone on campus is looking for when they study: privacy. If you have found that you can never seem to nab a room, you should check out the online room reservation system. Introduced last spring, it’s a way where you can reserve rooms ahead of time in Fenwick Library and the Johnson Center. Admittedly, it is a bit awkward to kick people out of study rooms but when grades come into play, we need to get serious.

As our campus grows, school officials are finally realizing that we actually need places to study. Hopefully, we continue to add places like The Ridge, and introduce more tiny enclaves like the SPACS lounge. For now, these beauties on campus are deserted areas that are conducive to a great amount of cramming.

Let us just hope that they do not get taken over soon.