It is 7:30 a.m. and the alarm clock mercilessly jerks many students awake from a pleasant slumber.

Weary and annoyed, a cup of a coffee is an easy solution, but it doesn’t quite awaken the body and soul like one’s favorite song.

George Mason University sees nearly 30,000 students trudging to class Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to as late as 10 p.m. Many times you’ll see these students walking gleefully and blissfully unaware as their mp3 player sings in their ears.

With so many different students and schedules on campus, one can’t help but wonder what people listen to during their daily grind.

“When I’m getting started in the morning, I’m more likely to listen to something like Lupe Fiasco or Eminem—something high energy like that to get me pumped for the day,” said junior theater major Paul Laudiero.

Students use music as a transition tool for the activities of the day.

“I have an upbeat playlist that I usually listen to during the day, with artists like Lady Gaga and MGMT,” said junior information technology major Amy Longden.
With a hectic schedule, the walk to class can be restorative and used to organize thoughts.

“Sometimes I use my walk to class to put things together in my head like what else I need to do that day, that week, etc. Put myself in the right frame of mind for class,” Longden said.
The daily music choice for students could also be very much mood-related.

“When I’m sleep deprived, I listen to the Ramones,” said junior history major Martin Bonica. “They’re only good when my brain is too crippled to appreciate good music, and the courageous stupidity of their music inspires me to make it through the day.”

Mason’s music tastes are as diverse as the students themselves and with the hectic day-to-day onslaught of class work, it plays a prominent role in maintaining some sense of balance.
