Sophomore left-handed pitcher Nick Kendrick. Photo by: Peter Flint
The Patriots’ 2009-10 baseball season resulted in a 28-22 record due to an extensive amount of injuries, but with the fresh meat of a newer, younger team, Coach Bill Brown feels optimistic that this season will be a complete turnaround.
The evolving new pitchers of this season include junior Brandon Bartlett, freshman Jake Kalish and sophomore Brandon Kuter. Untested in the past nine games, the pitchers are evolving together and performing well. Growing as a team and being mentors to these younger players are starters Chris Cook, short stop and second baseman, and Chris O’Grady, pitcher.
“My biggest challenge this season has been becoming more of a vocal leader,” Cook says. This is something many of the Mason players have found to be difficult this season: taking the place as leaders from the previous seniors.
Brown expresses his excitement for this season with new and old players playing different positions, making this whole team a “new” team. The new team is growing as one, to be the best team they can be. A brand new team starting from scratch is fun, according to Brown’s philosophy.
Despite having a young team, Brown is satisfied and excited about his batting line-up. Cook currently holds a team record for 13 straight plate appearances with a base hit. As the start of his batting line-up, Cook holds a powerful position.
Brown, who has been coaching for 30 years, pitches George Mason University basketball coach, Jim Larranaga, a compliment as well.
“Excellent job. One of, if not, the best coaching jobs ever done with a team,” said Brown. “Jim and his assistant has them ready to play.”
The Patriots are 10 games in with only three losses, this young team is looking promising. With the help of 30 years experience behind him, it looks as though Coach Brown is leading his team to a victorious season.