Mason’s sixth president, Dr. Angel Cabrera, is fearless when it comes to connecting with students. Nearing almost 6,000 followers and 9,000 tweets on Twitter, the new president has tapped into the world’s fastest social media outlet to show the surrounding Mason community what he is all about.

Stephen Kline/Broadside

Recognized as the World Economic Forum’s Global Leader for Tomorrow in 2002 and Young Global Leader in 2005, Cabrera strongly believes in diversity, innovation and global connections. It comes as no surprise that this progressive leader is an avid Twitter user.

When asked for advice on how college students can use their own Twitter accounts more effectively, Dr. Cabrera retweeted me in just two minutes saying, “I thought college students were the experts at this!”

“I follow people I learn new things from, therefore I write about things that catch my attention, that I find interesting,” Cabrera tweeted back.

Cabrera’s wife Elizabeth Cabrera, an organizational psychologist, shares her husband’s passion for this in-the-moment news platform.

“I like it for sharing info about issues of interest to me like workplace positivity and women’s careers,” she tweeted.

After witnessing the Twitter conversation, Cabrera’s old friend Lucy P. Marcus, founder and CEO of Marcus Venture Consulting, tweeted a link to an article she wrote in Harvard Business Review on what it means to be “connected.”

“I have found myself asking a question via Twitter, sending the query out into the ether, only to have some of the most creative and interesting solutions coming back in very short order,” Marcus wrote in describing her appreciation of Twitter’s ability to help one gather ideas from unlikely sources.

Cabrera is clearly not alone in his commitment to Twitter. He is simply bringing it into a new territory: the world of higher education.