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  • SafetySuit Rocks Dewberry: Up-and-Coming Act Visits Mason for Homecoming Week

    Lifestyle February 22, 2010 at 2:00 pm Comments are Disabled

    Patrick Wall, Style Editor As the clock struck 8 p.m., students walked nervously into Dewberry Hall, illuminated only by the neon green and purple lights. As students shuffled in, they looked around for friends, hoping to find a familiar face in the growing crowd. Before long, a sizable crowd formed around the stage constructed at the far end of the hall. After a brief introduction from Program Board, George Mason University’s activities committee, the band of the evening took the stage. Hailing from Nashville, Tenn., SafetySuit is a band clearly on the rise. Most of the crowd were clearly fans of the band, shouting out requests and yelling when lead singer Douglas Brown addressed the crowd. And the band was happy to oblige the attention. Brown dedicated a song to what he dubbed “soon to be lovers” in the audience, and asked fans for requests. SafetySuit’s sound might be best described as emotional and powerful, as they sing songs about heartbreak and love. The crowd connected with the band’s message, and grew more enthusiastic with each passing song. Bassist Jeremy Henshaw’s resounding bass and drummer Tate Cunningham’s pounding drums were in stark yet fitting contrast to guitarist Dave Garofalo’s atmospheric […]

  • New Century College to Hold Conference

    News1 February 22, 2010 at 1:56 pm Comments are Disabled

    Ethan Vaughan, Asst. News Editor George Mason University’s Center of Consciousness Transformation, in conjunction with MasonLEADS, will host a Leadership and Positive Psychology Conference in SUB II on March 19. The conference is being organized by New Century College students taking NCLC 295, an events management class, and while it is “geared mainly for Mason’s undergrads,” anyone may attend. The students said the function’s main purpose was to give attendees tools to “improve . . . leadership effectiveness” and “grow . . . workplace satisfaction.” Participants will hear from keynote speakers on positive psychology and leadership skills and will take part in panel discussions on the same subjects. Among the presenters are faculty members Jim Harter and Shane Lopez, who work with the Gallup Organization, and Todd Kashdan and Tojo Thatchenkery, who have written books related to the conference topics. Undergraduate students will be charged $15 to take part, while graduate students will pay $25 and non-students will pay $50.

  • Workshop in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

    News1 February 22, 2010 at 1:55 pm Comments are Disabled

    Matthew Harrison, Broadside Correspondent George Mason University philosophy professors want to show students the different connections between politics, philosophy and economics. Dr. Peter Boettke, an economics professor at Mason, said the school’s weekly seminar touching on all three areas will integrate the topics. “Increased specialization in these subjects has isolated them from what they were in the past,” said Boettke, who hopes to bring the fields closer together. Boettke obtained his Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University, has taught economics for 12 years and is a winner of the Gold Dozen Teaching Award from New York University. His open discussion on politics, philosophy, and economics occurs weekly during the school year. Boettke wants to make students realize the potential and criticism of the fields, and then use the knowledge to help write their theses. The main guest speaker for last week’s session was Dr. Tara Smith, a professor from the University of Texas at Austin. She has been teaching for 21 years and expresses to students the deeper value of philosphy. “Most of the students are writing papers for their theses, so this interaction gives them a second-hand perspective,” said Boettke. Students interact with Smith and other teachers to […]

  • Healthy Relationships Week Starts: Aims to Educate Students on Good Relationships

    News1 February 22, 2010 at 1:52 pm Comments are Disabled

    Sandra Evans, Broadside Correspondent The life of a college student is hard enough with the endless amount of assignments and exhausting overnight cramming sessions, but knowing how to maintain positive and healthy relationships is a vital skill. With an MTV-show theme and the tagline “Rock Your Relationships,” George Mason University’s Sexual Assault Services is planning to host its annual weeklong Healthy Relationships Week all this week. “Healthy Relationships Week is our chance during the year to celebrate [the positive aspects of] all healthy relationships,” said Rachel Lindsey, outreach coordinator for Mason’s Sexual Assault Services. “What we are hoping students to get out of this is that a good, healthy relationship is an amazing thing, and everyone deserves that.” Healthy Relationships Week will kick off with its first event, “True Life,” today in Student Union I’s Patriot’s Lounge from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The subject of discussion is relationships of all kinds, whether they be romantic or platonic, and the facts on what constitutes a happy and healthy relationship. There will also be T-shirts, games, candy and other activities. “Made” will take place at the Johnson Center Kiosk G from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow. This event is focused […]

  • Damage Prompts Ballroom Closure

    News1 February 22, 2010 at 1:50 pm Comments are Disabled

    Kevin Loker, C2M Executive Editor The roof above the Student Union Building II Ballroom may not be a casualty of ‘Snowverkill 2010,’ but it has left some damage as far as events scheduling is concerned. The large-room space, which according to Events Management is used at least once a day by students and faculty for events, meetings and practices, was closed earlier this week as a precautionary measure to evaluate possible damage noticed by maintenance staff after last week’s snowstorms. According to Associate Director of Operations and Events Services Keith Ellis, the metal trusses that support the roof and ceiling of the SUB II Ballroom had developed a slight bow after last week’s massive snowfall, temporarily placing the safety of the room in question. Student groups and events began to be relocated to different rooms early Monday evening. Engineers have since assessed the damage and deemed the structure to be safe for use and, moreover, to be functioning as designed. “Trusses are designed to flex,” said Ellis. But damage has still been done. Ellis says the trusses have flexed to a point that the movable partitions are starting to drag the floor in the center of the room. To read […]

  • Engineers Day Celebration: Students Show Off Mechanical Marvels

    News1 February 22, 2010 at 1:48 pm Comments are Disabled

    Yuri Svjagintsev, Broadside Correspondent George Mason University launched its annual Engineers Day on Thursday, much to the excitement of students and faculty. According to Linda Kovac, director for Corporate Relations, “the event was designed to introduce students and their projects to potential employers.” Entries included practical fixes to modern-day problems and machines that satisfy scientific curiosity, all created by individuals and teams of students. One group, known as the RoboPatriots, designed a troupe of soccer-playing robots. “We are here because we need sponsors for our project,” said Christopher Vo, a Ph.D student studying robotic motion. The price to enter the competition is $20,000 and each robot costs $2,500. Included among the other projects was a wireless walking stick for the blind, which used Wi-Fi routers to triangulate a position for the user. Peter W. Pachowicz, associate professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was most excited about showing off a self-balancing bike, which used a gyroscope in the center of the machine to automatically right the vehicle when it fell sideways. “Such a technology could be very useful,” said Pachowicz. Other projects had a stated environmental purpose and were designed to help reduce global climate change. Josh Finks, […]

  • Mason Majesty Showcases Spirit: Competition Becomes Fierce as Students Battle for Title

    News1 February 22, 2010 at 1:47 pm Comments are Disabled

    Yuri Svjaintsev, Broadside Correspondent Homecoming Week began on Monday with a heavy dose of George Mason University spirit. The celebration coincided with Mardi Gras and Michelle Davis, event coordinator and assistant director for programming from the Office of Student Activities, was there to bring a little New Orleans flavor to the Fairfax campus. One of the highlights of the week-long event was the Homecoming Pageant. Traditionally, homecoming pageants have a king and a queen. However, this year’s host, Reann Ballslee, the drag queen who represented Mason as 2009’s homecoming queen, inaugurated a new tradition by naming a gender-neutral “Mason Majesty.” Four students were up to bat in a competition that combined an overview of each contestant’s contributions to Mason, a trivia session, a talent show and a round of personal questions conducted by the Office of Student Activities at Ballslee’s discretion. The students who participated were Peter Danjczek, Lee Warner, Thomas Lee and Meredith Cutchin. All are accomplished members of Mason’s student community. The trivia session was loaded with questions about Mason life, history and random tidbits about the man George Mason himself. For instance, who knew that rubbing Mason’s foot brought good luck, or what the four original buildings […]

  • New Fraternity on Campus: Sigma Alpha Epsilon Chartered This Past Weekend

    News1 February 22, 2010 at 1:44 pm Comments are Disabled

    Ethan Vaughan, Asst. News Editor The Greek community at George Mason University got a little bit bigger this weekend. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, a colony of the national fraternal organization, joined the ranks of Mason’s fraternities and sororities when it was officially chartered in a ceremony at the International Country Club on Saturday night. The new chapter, which initiated 32 members this weekend, is led by President Saul Gomez, a junior accounting major and “founding father” who was elected to the top post at the start of this semester. Gomez took over from former president Josh Knox, a senior economics major who declined to seek a third one-year term because he is graduating in May. Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s history at Mason began in March 2008, but the roots for the fraternity’s installment here go back much further. “Starting a chapter was something I’d thought about all through high school,” said Knox. “I’m a legacy. My father was a Sigma Alpha Epsilon at the University of Maryland and my grandfather was one at the University of California at Berkeley, so there was a family connection. I also just wanted to be a member of something meaningful and liked that idea.” Knox was […]

  • Job and Internship Fair Nears: Event to Help Students in Struggling Economy

    News1 February 22, 2010 at 1:42 pm Comments are Disabled

    Bridget Fox, Broadside Correspondent Serious job seekers should look no further than George Mason University’s annual job and internship fair. The fair is an opportunity for students to learn about potential careers, check out the competition or even land a position. Employers will be recruiting for every major, and professional dress is essential. “Our goal is to get a variety of employers to attend the fair,” said James Barricelli, career services assistant director for employer relations. Because of the economy, some job sectors, like the non-profit industry, are cutting back on salaried employees and searching for non-paid interns. However, prospects for internships and federal government jobs look to be higher than usual, with the CIA, State Department and the Secret Service represented. Overall employer involvement has decreased slightly from 2009, falling from 180 to just over 150 attendees. Students can find information about participating groups and categorize them by major or industry online at Preparation is key. “We recommend that all students involved should research employers they are interested in prior to the fair itself,” said Barricelli. “Being able to explain how you can contribute to the company will not only maximize your amount of face time with recruiters, […]

  • Snow Storm Still Causing Headaches: With Giant Snow Piles and Icy Sidewalks, Anxiety Over Safety Remains a Concern

    News1 February 22, 2010 at 1:38 pm Comments are Disabled

    Yasmin Tadjdeh, News Editor Although ‘Snowpocalypse’ has been over for two weeks now, the effect of the massive storm is still clear at George Mason University. When students returned on Friday, Feb. 12, much of the campus was covered in knee-high snow, despite the efforts of Mason to clean up the campus. Although significant progress can be seen currently, the storm still continues to cause headaches on campus. With some sidewalks still icy, some students find getting around Mason to be a challenge. For some time, according to junior English major Katy McCaddin, the stairs behind Student Union Building II were covered in snow. McCaddin stated that “they were literally a ramp.” McCaddin was also concerned with the large snow piles that are currently peppering the general parking lots. “[The snow piles] make driving a little frightening because you have to go out in the road to see traffic, so it is a little hazardous,” said McCaddin. “But I understand why they had to make the piles — they had to get it off the roads.” McCaddin was also concerned with melted snow that had frozen overnight onto sidewalks, making walking through campus treacherous. According to Josh Cantor, the director […]