Justin Lalputan
I still remember the morning that I left to go on Spring Break. At roughly 3 a.m., I was in Eisenhower playing pool with some of my friends. I had just narrowly avoided sinking the 8 ball when a security guard walked in and turned on the news, and what I saw was indescribable. Japan had been hit by a tsunami that caused unbelievable amounts of damage.
As soon as I saw the carnage that was unfolding, I knew that soon, people would be asking for donations, and of course, I was ready to give.
However, many people on campus, and in our country, choose not to give anything to people in need, which I find to be a damn shame.
I feel that if someone is in a decent financial situation and has no significant money problems, then they should donate some of their money to cases like this. I believe that the fortunate have a moral obligation to help those who are less fortunate than they are and should donate money to show it.
Don’t get me wrong: I am well aware that it is people’s right to donate money or not donate as they see fit, but I don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t.
You don’t have to give much, either. Most places accept donations as low as $5 or $10.
Imagine if the majority of Americans gave $10 — the Japanese government would have a much easier time with the monstrous task that they currently face.
And it’s not just Japan. There are other situations to which people can donate money. The situation in Haiti, though much improved, is still horrible. Children in the Middle East are starving and need help.
Even in the United States, many homeless and impoverished families need help.
Veterans who put their lives on the line to defend our nation ask for a small donation in return for their courageous service, but too many people don’t care.
Instead of giving money, the majority of Americans choose to do nothing.
Instead of giving money to people who truly need it, we would rather buy $200 gaming systems and gigantic televisions.
We would rather waste money on booze and crappy movie tickets than to give the money to a worthwhile cause.
Despite all the money that our nation has, we are drowning in apathy.
We’re so caught up in our own lives that we can’t see the plights of others. However, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Instead of just saying how bad we feel for victims of disasters and atrocities like what’s happening in Japan, we can step up to make a difference.
By putting our money (and maybe even some volunteer time) where our mouths are, we can contribute to make a difference.
Every little bit helps and with the amount of money that we have in this country, together, we can make a significant impact.
In the end, all I know is this: You should do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
If a gigantic wave of water washed away your life in a split second, you would want someone to help you out, wouldn’t you?