Photo by Jacob McClernon
Inclement weather did not hinder the success of this year’s International Week. Highlights of last week’s festivities included the popular dance competition and various culture nights hosted by student organizations.
“Every year it gets better and better,” said Sara Morrisroe, assistant director of student organizations at the Office of Student Involvement. “People who have been here always expect it to be better.”
This year’s I-Week slogan was “Celebrate,” a theme intended to highlight the importance of celebrating cultures in a campus that takes pride in its diverse population.
“My favorite part of International Week was being able to try local foods of different countries without having to travel abroad,” junior conflict analysis and resolution major Nicole Miles said. “I love falafel.”
Sodexo, featuring Mason’s most talented chefs, catered Friday’s closing ceremony, showcasing dishes from around the world.
Over 1,000 people attended this year’s dance competition in Dewberry Hall, according to Morrisroe. The Pakistan Student Association won the contest. Students met the dance competition with positive reviews.
“I thought this year’s dance competition was a lot better than last year,” junior bioengineering major Brittney Wooley said. “There seemed to be more people and there was a lot more energy.”
The Office of International Programs and Services and the Office of Student Involvement combined their efforts to organize yet another successful I-Week in an effort to increase the opportunities for students to learn about the many cultures represented at Mason.
“It’s a great time for students to get a taste of each culture,” Morrisroe said. “I’m happy when students are happy.”