As part of Mason Cru’s fundraiser they set up a booth in the North Plaza where they appected prayer requests. Photo by Dakota Cunningham
George Mason University Cru, formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ, is currently hosting “Love South Sudan,” an event that is trying to raise money in an attempt to send 54,000 harvester packs to needy families in the Republic of Sudan.
The reason for sending harvester packets, which are essentially gigantic seed packs, is to help create a stable food source in South Sudan, said Mason Cru member Julie Manausa, a sophomore majoring in conflict analysis and resolution.
“The country is one of the poorest countries in the world, which blows my mind,” Manausa said.
Mason Cru accepts donations, and has also been selling T-shirts with the “Love South Sudan” design emblazoned on the shirt for $20. The proceeds go towards purchasing the aforementioned seed packets.
According to Manausa, even though the “Love South Sudan” T-shirts are only $20, they can have a large impact on the lives of those who receive the harvester packets.
“Each T-shirt we sell provides sustainable crops for 40 families,” Manausa said. “So it’s 20 bucks and you’re helping out 40 families.”
According to Manausa, Mason students have contributed to the cause, but there are others who are apathetic. “Some students completely blow us off and ignore us altogether, and some say ‘Yeah, that’s cool’ [about “Love South Sudan”] and come to the kiosk without us really having to address them,” Manausa said. “It’s kind of been hit or miss for most of the student body, but quite a few have bought a T-shirt or said they would like to help.”
Turnout for the event has been moderate, and as of Friday, a little over 100 T-shirts have been sold by Mason Cru, but Manausa said that there is still a lot of time for students to participate. “We have a lot of T-shirts left. We’ve been selling them for two weeks, but we’ll also be selling them Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and at the event.”
The actual event will be held on Oct. 20 in The Hub (SUB II) Ballroom where the actual packaging of the harvester packets will take place. It will run from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Mason Cru is looking for volunteers. Students can come anytime while the event is in progress and help package the harvester packets.
Students may donate as much time to packaging as they wish.
“It’s working together towards a goal; you feel like you’re really doing something here. It’s not like donating money to an organization and not knowing where [the money is] going,” Manausa said.
Last year Mason Cru held an event called “Love Haiti” and plans are in the works to try to hold another event to provide assistance to another nation in need next year.