The new Republican movement: America needs a stronger Republican Party
By Justin Lalputan, Staff Writer To start with, politics are not something that I usually get involved in. Sure, I’ll have a friendly debate with someone about abortion or stem-cell research, but I generally don’t involve myself with either the Republican or the Democratic political parties. However, I must say that I don’t like what I see on the news these days. Since the Republicans lost the 2008 presidential election, they’ve seemed like a political party that didn’t have their feet on solid ground. I’ve watched numerous rallies, the most notable being the “Tea Party” rallies, and I can sense somewhat of a change stirring within the party. The thing is, when people see these rallies, they scoff at the people in them, and in many cases, call them ignorant. While it is true that sometimes some foolish things are said at these rallies, in other instances, the things mentioned are not foolish at all; rather, they simply reflect the ideology of the Republican Party and its constituents. While I understand that sometimes these views can be somewhat intense, the Republican Party needs to find some way to gain more popular support, and they need to do it now. I’ve […]