Volunteers Discuss Memories of Homelessness: Speakers Share Personal Experiences
Ethan Vaughan, Connect2Mason Reporter Faces of Homelessness, a program highlighting homelessness awareness, was held in the Patriots Lounge in Student Union Building I on Monday, Nov. 16. The event, carried out in cooperation with Lutheran Campus Ministry and the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH), featured a video presentation and several guest speakers, including two individuals currently experiencing homelessness. The focus of the gathering was to raise public knowledge of the issue and to dispel some of the stereotypes surrounding it. NCH volunteer Johnny Bell said Americans should take notice of homelessness, which he cited as a growing threat to communities nationwide. “Homelessness is increasing,” Bell said. “There are more homeless people this year than there were last year. Currently, there are three million homeless people in this country every day, and about 700,000 [on the streets] each night. Those figures are climbing.” Bell challenged what he said was a faulty view of the homeless as lazy people unwilling to work. “The largest . . . segment of the homeless population [is] families,” Bell said. “Families, not individual men and women, but families with dependent children, account for 40 percent of all homeless people. In the D.C. [metro] area in […]