Cobwebs and Cocktails: Halloween Recipes Sure to Bring the Spirit to any Party
Katie Miller, Staff Writer As the night for spooks and sweets approaches, many of you are scrambling to pick costumes, decorations, and of course, treats for your nightly Halloween festivities. Being an ambitious and easily excitable cook, I like to go all out with party themes by incorporating the food into the overall package. When I think of Halloween, I imagine the contrasting effect of bright orange pumpkins with jet-black cats; walls of cobwebs littered with multi-colored leaves; people dressed like our favorite movie stars walking next to our most feared monsters. All of these can be used to create truly Halloween-y party foods and drinks. For those prospective Martha Stewarts out there, you may desire a more challenging approach to your Halloween eats. My olive eyeball hors d’oeuvres are sure to both disturb and satisfy. Take your favorite soft cheese (feta, goat, mozzarella,) squish onto a serving tray (with or without crackers) and then top each blob off with a green olive, with the pimento facing up. The key here is to get the olives with the pimentos to give the full eye ball effect. The more traditional among you may be looking for the ease of age-old Halloween […]