Students screaming down the halls, playing loud music at all hours of the night, running rampant around campus. This is what life might be like if there was no one keeping things in order. This is why we have resident advisors. Too often, students do not appreciate the services and security that the many RAs on campus provide, including maintaining order, hosting hall get-togethers and being a mediator in times of interpersonal conflict. “I love being able to help people,” said Missy Isaacs, a senior English major and returning RA in Liberty Square. “It’s great for person-to-person interactions.” Isaacs has had plenty of experience with students. One of the strangest things she has seen during rounds? “Residents smoking hookah in their room with the door open,” she said. “I couldn’t believe it.” There is at least one RA placed on each floor of every residence hall on campus, with the exception of the student apartments, where there is one RA per building. Michelle Hughes is a senior global affairs major and a first year RA in Dominion Hall. She said she has learned to balance her life, classes and RA responsibilities. “[The] first and foremost priority is that I’m a […]