Out with MEMO, in with MasonLive
While over 16,000 George Mason University students have made the switch to MasonLive, many others have not. Beginning yesterday, those not on the new network were switched over. MasonLive’s website features tutorials on how to merge e-mail accounts from the old mail provider. There is also a tutorial for transferring from a smart phone and one that explains how to forward to Gmail, according to a memo released by the Information Technology Unit. “Mason’s ITU began exploring other e-mail options after being asked by the administration,” said Tracy Holt, the manager of enterprise messaging for ITU. Holt said after looking into the options for an e-mail system, the choice was narrowed to Google or Microsoft. Both offered e-mail addresses that can be maintained after graduation, something Mason’s alumni wanted. ITU ended up picking Microsoft’s e-mail system. “There have been some growing pains,” Holt said. She said there have been some technical issues, such as messages from Mason accounts appearing in the junk mail folder. “The switch to MasonLive coinciding with the confusion of the beginning of the school year made the switch harder, but there have not been any major problems,” Holt said. “For the most part, we are hearing […]