There are constantly earthquakes in Washington. The one last month, however, has been the only to crack the Washington Monument. Though not caused by tectonic plates, political tremors are constant and the concerns of many Americans stem from the fact that the aftershocks are often nothing more than a clash of liberal and conservative values, and rarely about what’s in America’s best interest. Some of these crazed debates make many moderates wonder where civil discourse has gone and leave them wondering where Eisenhower Republicans have gone into hiding. Granted, we aren’t beating each other with canes over our disagreements, but we are beating at each other’s lifestyles with our own personal values. For example, it is concerning to me that the platforms of many candidates in the GOP this year are based largely on social issues, which all too often win swing votes. Fortunately, we’ve come a long way from calling President Obama a Kenyan and incorrectly identifying him with the Muslim faith, yet we still have some people who just refuse to grasp the facts. While on vacation in Charleston — the week Rick Perry traveled to the city to announce his candidacy — I, against my better judgment, […]