The financial side of studying abroad
With summer fast approaching, students will spend their time going home and visiting friends, working and saving money or furthering their education by studying abroad. But how has the continuing economic recession affected the study abroad program at George Mason University? “We do a good job of keeping our costs down,” said Kevin Stoy, marketing coordinator for the Center for Global Education. “I think it’s more perception than anything. When there’s a recession and the economy is struggling, people tend to think [studying] abroad is a luxury and less of a necessity, which we think is a huge mistake. I don’t feel that because the economy is struggling our costs have gone up.” What have affected the study abroad program costs, however, are international events. “I’ve been in study abroad for 25 years now,” said Mary Arnold, general manager for the Center for Global Education. “There [are] always ups and downs with pricing and expenses. They often correspond to gas prices because airline tickets go up, and the rise and fall of the dollar effects our pricing a lot.” The Mason study abroad program does its best to keep costs to a minimum by avoiding third parties and spreading the […]