Kid Cudi at the Man on The Moon performance. Photo courtesy of jaimerivera.
George Mason University has recently become a major epicenter of the Northern Virginia music community. Gracing the stages of the Mason community over the past few years have been names like T-Pain, Wayne Brady, The All-American Rejects and Cobra Starship. Making this possible is the university’s student-run organization, the newly-named Office of Student Involvement.
Student Involvement acts as an umbrella organization for several groups such as Student Government, Weekends Committee, Program Board and Film Committee. From weekend movies in the Johnson Center Cinema to Every Freakin’ Friday Bingo Night and even an Evening with Kid Cudi, Student Involvement is here for the students.
In determining which events Student Involvement brings to campus, research is key. “We look at any indicator that points towards an artist [who] will be successful on campus,” said program vice president and junior administration of justice major Addison Brown. “Students’ opinions and wants are the basis of any decision, with other factors such as artist availability and such being limiting factors.”
Student Involvement looks into what the students want to see at Mason. They do market research, looking into the kinds of acts that would draw students out. With such a diverse community at Mason, Student Involvement has a complicated job on its hands.
“It seems that they always have a little something for everyone,” said junior communication major Shannon Dodson.
Not all share the same sentiments, however.
“The events on campus just don’t interest me,” said sophomore English major Emma Hull. “None of my friends ever want to go so I don’t either. Seems like stuff geared mainly towards freshmen, and I can usually think of something more fun to do.”
It is with this sentiment in mind that Student Involvement prepared to bring in bigger names.
“Acts are booked as far in advance as possible. This allows for ample time to make the research component as extensive as possible,” Brown said.
The time spent researching and booking Kid Cudi was well spent, as the event sold out in two days after tickets went on sale to the community.
“I’m excited about Kid Cudi,” said Dodson. “Judging by the ticket sales, the student body is too.”
But fear not, Student Involvement has many upcoming events for those who missed out on Kid Cudi tickets.
Comedian Seth Meyers, best known as a cast member on Saturday Night Live, will be coming to the Patriot Center on Oct. 16. Student Involvement’s Weekends Committee sponsors RATurday Night Live every Saturday night at the Rathskeller and Every Freakin’ Friday events every other Friday night.
As for the future, Student Involvement has big plans.
“We’re already looking towards Mason Day in the Spring,” said Brown. “We’re excited about who we might be able to get.”
Brown could not comment on any prospects, but if past events are any indication of what to anticipate, Mason can certainly expect the show to be memorable.