On Tuesday, the direction of this country dramatically changed for the better. In what was a direct repudiation of the Obama administration’s failed policies, the American people sent a clear message that the country’s left-wing lurch is unacceptable and unwanted.

In a colossal landslide, the Republicans picked up over 60 seats in the House of Representatives and some key seats in the Senate.

In less than two years, the Democrats showed America that they were incapable of leading this country and deserved to be thrown out of office.

The American people didn’t buy the notion that we had to be subservient to the Obama agenda because we just weren’t smart enough to grasp what he was doing. People grasped the agenda and proceeded to flat out reject it.

Democrats deserved to lose because the federal deficit is spiraling out of control due to massive spending during the recession.

In 2011, America is looking at a deficit of $1.4 trillion; we’re borrowing 41 cents out of every federal dollar spent.

If current policies remain in effect, Americans can count on the largest tax increase in the history of the country just to get out of the red. Funding for Defense spending, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid could easily collapse.

Democrats deserved to lose because they would rather play politics than actually fix the current ailments of the country. President Obama still won’t accept any responsibility for his failures; time and time again he blames his predecessor for the country’s condition.

However, facts show that in the first 19 months of Obama’s presidency, his policies have resulted in the buildup of more debt than the total amount accumulated from the presidencies of George Washington through Ronald Reagan.

Democrats deserved to lose for mandating Obamacare.

I know for a fact that my health insurance rates are going to double and my level of coverage is going down. You can expect something similar next year and there’s nothing you can do about it because you’re going to be required by law to purchase health insurance.

This new, socialized system of health care is an entitlement program we don’t need and can’t afford.

Democrats deserved to lose for nationalizing student loans; many students are now dependent on the bureaucratization of the federal government to go to school.

Don’t think they can’t raise your rates or cut off your funding completely because it’s all within the realm of possibility. The government can’t even run Amtrak. Do you really think they can competently run a student loans program?

Democrats deserved to lose for taking General Motors away from the stockholders and giving it to corrupt unions, for failing to secure the border, for neglecting the war in Afghanistan, for letting a rogue nation like Iran become a nuclear power, for turning their backs on Israel and for wasting our tax dollars on failed stimulus plans that went to pay off special interests. ­­­The list of disappointments goes on and on.

So did Republicans deserve to win?

Unfortunately, the jury is still out. The next two years will be perhaps the most important we have ever faced as a nation. After the ineptitude of the Obama Administration and his cohorts in Congress, we should all be willing to have a little faith and give John Boehner, the presumptive new speaker of the House, a chance.

If what we’ve recently experienced in the political landscape was a tremor, then get ready for an earthquake. If the GOP can’t effectively counter the liberal Obama agenda, however, then we’re in a lot of trouble.