With the loud, fan-driven uproar about “Xenoblade Chronicles” not coming to North America, Nintendo has finally responded, announcing that the game will hit shelves stateside April 6. It’s a thumbs-up for the Wii, which is heading toward its final days in preparation for Nintendo’s next console, Wii U.

“Xenoblade Chronicles” will feel untraditional compared to other games in the genre, but it will still satisfy the needs of the most jaded RPG lover. Take a 60-hour campaign, a plethora of side quests and an out-there story about people who reside on the backs of giant robots, and you’ve just hit the RPG mother lode.

“Xenoblade Chronicles” follows 18-year-old Shulk, who resides in Colony 9 (located on the foot of a giant, fallen, mechanized fighting robot named Bionis). When the colony is attacked by the Mechon, which are a horde of machines from the Mechonis (another giant, fallen robot), Shulk obtains the legendary energy blade called the Monado, which was thought to be the sword of the Bionis eons ago. With this, Shulk leaves Colony 9 to stop the looming Mechon threat. He is joined by Reyn, a willful Defense Force soldier; Fiora, Shulk and Reyn’s childhood friend; Dunban, the previous wielder of the Monado and Fiora’s older brother. These are just a few of the colorful characters in “Xenoblade Chronicles.”

Saying “Xenoblade Chronicles” is big is a gross understatement. The game itself is huge, and the amount of open land you traverse is astonishingly vast. “Xenoblade Chronicles” is a treat for the eyes with its stretches of ravishing greenery and unique characters who populate the game. From expansive fields to underground caves, “Xenoblade Chronicles” attracts the eye with its unique and stunning environments, which complement its enriched story.

“Xenoblade Chronicles” has a real-time, action-based combat system, which means party members will perform an “auto attack” when enemies enter the party’s attack radius. Manually activated special attacks, called “Arts,” each have their own cool-down time after being used; Talents Arts differ in that they only become available for use again after using the right number of auto attacks. Arts for each character must be set on a Battle Palette at the bottom of the screen, which can also be modified outside of battle.

Customization is another feature of “Xenoblade Chronicles.” There has not been a JRPG game with this level of customization. “Xenoblade Chronicles” allows extensive customization, such as the ability to change the characters’ outfits and weapons and to see these changes during battle, in the field and during cut scenes.

Another feature of “Xenoblade Chronicles” is the “Aggro Ring,” which appears around party members who are targeted by enemies. The bigger the ring, the more focused an enemy will be toward that particular party member. This allows players to implement strategy, giving Shulk and other members of the party a chance to strike the enemy from the side or rear.

The “Visions” system is a unique feature in the “Xenoblade Chronicles” combat system in which Shulk can see glimpses of an enemy’s future attack.  With this vital piece of information, the player needs to react with great caution if he wants to ensure victory.

“Xenoblade Chronicles” also contains notable features outside of combat, labeled as “Time Saving Support Features.” For instance, while the game has a day and night time cycle, players can “wind the clock” to the time they want instead of just letting time elapse.  The game also supports the valuable save-anywhere feature, which allows players to save their progress at any point in time.

“Xenoblade Chronicles” is non-linear, which is refreshing for its JRPG background. The game allows you to take a break from the main story in order to wander off in search of side quests, monsters and caves to plunder.

The-Bonds-system allows characters to partake in many optional side quests with non-playable characters. Completing these quests can alter the perception of the character in towns and can open up additional story sequences.

“Xenoblade Chronicles” also has an “Affinity” system, where each member of the party has an Affinity stat that indicates how they feel about other members of the party, ranging from indifference or friendship to love. These affinities can be altered by having characters participate in battle together, giving gifts or utilizing the “Heart-to-Heart” system. These Heart-to-Heart moments allow intimate moments between two characters that show off more of a character’s personality, history or thoughts, and can be initiated by having certain characters at certain places if the right amount of affinity between them is met.

“Xenoblade Chronicles” is the phoenix rising from the ashes of the JRPG franchise, giving hope to JRPG fans. Furthermore, it’s a Wii exclusive, and “Xenoblade Chronicles” will give you a great excuse to blow the dust off of your old console (because it probably hasn’t been played since “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword”) and engross yourself in a world that will give you that traditional RPG experience.