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  • Letter to the editor: Police officer in Potomac Heights brings ‘prisonification’

    Editorials October 18, 2010 at 3:41 pm Comments are Disabled

    George Mason University’s implementation of a police officer in Potomac Heights betrays a trust in students. Students for Sensible Drug Policy cannot endorse a police officer stationed in any on-campus housing area at Mason. The argument given by the university for having a police officer stationed in on-campus housing is to provide security to students. The current security measures in Potomac Heights are as follows: Students who live in Potomac Heights have to swipe their cards through three doors, deal with security cameras in every hall, patrolling Resident Advisors and independently contracted security guards. We believe this sufficiently covers security measures for students. A police presence in Potomac will only increase mistrust in campus police and unfairly target Potomac residents. The prisonification of on-campus housing is unacceptable and SSDP calls for the immediate expulsion of any and all police stationed in any on-campus housing. SSDP encourages housing and university administration to reach out to Potomac Heights residents on their views on this issue. This is a decision that should be made by residents and university officials together. We encourage other concerned students to contact housing or university administration, and demand this change.

  • Where is the-hip hop? Mason needs more of it on campus

    Editorials October 18, 2010 at 3:41 pm Comments are Disabled

    Last week I was walking around campus and saw a lot of things. However, what I didn’t see was hip-hop.

  • Cheating in relationships

    Editorials October 18, 2010 at 3:39 pm Comments are Disabled

    When does cheating actually become cheating? When does seeing another person become a relationship?

  • Republican Keith Fimian aims for election: Why Virginia’s 11th district needs to elect him this time around

    Editorials October 18, 2010 at 3:37 pm Comments are Disabled

    Unless you’ve been living in a bubble (or a dorm room), you know that the political foundations of our country are being shaken by a conservative resurgence.

  • If only there was sex ed for parents: Why the older generation needs it

    Editorials October 18, 2010 at 3:35 pm Comments are Disabled

    Parents like getting worked up because it’s easier than parenting.

  • The right government for America: What the people need and why

    Editorials October 18, 2010 at 3:33 pm Comments are Disabled

    Alan Moore penned a column two weeks ago about the political left and college education. I, too, have heard about the college horror stories: liberal professors quoting everything from Mao to Marx and demonizing conservatives. While it is not a sin to be liberal, I do resent the imposition of beliefs on a captive audience of students. Unfortunately, I have seen some subtle and some outward attempts to do just that in my short time at George Mason University. In the past year, I have pinned down a couple of the most pervasive assumptions among liberal academia. For the record, I’ve heard some here at Mason and others were taken from other universities. First, on most issues it seems the liberal view is that individuals are not capable of fully living their lives, spending their money or making important life choices. This takes many forms. Many would claim that we are simply too small in the scheme of things. We are so little compared to the big corporations and thus need someone to always help us fight them. While that view tends to be the most pervasive, I discovered it was only the first layer of the onion. When you […]

  • A few minutes with D’Leon Barnett : Student government president  discusses life, politics

    A few minutes with D’Leon Barnett : Student government president discusses life, politics

    News1 October 18, 2010 at 3:28 pm Comments are Disabled

    D’Leon Barnett, George Mason University’s student government president, has his fair share of obligations.

  • Pilot House flying high: Mason’s new dining facility a hit with students

    Pilot House flying high: Mason’s new dining facility a hit with students

    News1 October 18, 2010 at 3:23 pm Comments are Disabled

    Recession or not, business is booming at The Pilot House.

  • Fake petition to devalue dollar receives many signatures: Overwhelming majority of students approached by Mason Liberty sign petition

    News1 October 18, 2010 at 3:21 pm Comments are Disabled

    After watching a video of a man asking strangers on the street if they would like to see the dollar inflate, Terra Strong, president of Mason Liberty, decided she would do the same at George Mason University.

  • Taking the next step: Five-year plan to bolster student scholarship, create research opportunities

    News1 October 18, 2010 at 3:19 pm Comments are Disabled

    With the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools set to visit George Mason University in March as part of the reaccreditation process, work continues on the Quality Enhancement Plan that is part of SACS’ requirements.