Baseball Season Actually Worth Keeping an Eye on This Year
America’s Pastime has been remarkable this season, with five of the six division races going right down to the wire.
America’s Pastime has been remarkable this season, with five of the six division races going right down to the wire.
As the NFL preseason continues to press forward, the George Mason men’s soccer team seems to have a quarterback controversy of their own.
In academic terms, the U.S. just earned a capital “F.”
I’ll come out and say it: I’m a Mac user. Have I always been? No, but I’m finding it hard to come up with a reason to ever go back — the sole exception being for certain computer games. I also use an iPod touch but, like the laptop, this hasn’t always been the case. Back in 2006 I hopped aboard the Zune train and I didn’t even bat an eye. Sure Apple had already secured its foothold in the market, but Microsoft’s competitor offered up something that was at the time unheard of in the mp3 market — unlimited music. The Zune Pass was a subscription-based program where a Zune owner could pay $15 a month and have access to all the music he or she could possibly want, and choose 10 songs to keep even if they no longer wanted to pay the subscription fee. I loved the program so much I even upgraded my standard Zune to the ill-fated Zune HD for a period of time. See, the Pass to me was the perfect answer to any music lover’s dilemma; the only problem was that it was only available for the Zune. So along comes Spotify, a […]
George Mason University’s Center for the Arts played host to the World Champion Wushu Kungfu Show on Aug. 14, where over 20 of the world’s best Wushu kungfu athletes shared a stage for the first time.
Dorm supplies purchased, summer shopping completed, bags packed and expectations set, a throng of Patriots return to their second home in Fairfax.
Gov. Robert McDonnell appointed four new members to the George Mason University Board of Visitors in July to serve for the next four years.
Search Committee to Present Mason Presidential Candidates in January, Mason One of Two Virginia Schools to Win Award
New Sodexo Resident District Manager Ram Nabar plans on using his extensive experience to bring some changes to students’ on-campus dining experience.
George Mason University’s Fairfax campus has exploded in size in recent years, as evidenced by the construction of many new buildings